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    4d9rfan4life  57, Female, Arizona, USA - 15 entries
Jun 2012
1:44 AM CDT

Our Virtual Assistant

*Repost*� This lady has been working with us since just before June and she has been totally awesome.... thought I would repost to give her the due Kudo's she deserves!

Although I do not personally endorse businesses nor do I advertise on other's behalf, I have to say that I am making an exception for one lady.

After posting an ad on Craigslist for help with a company that I work with, we were in need of someone to help us in an administrative sense.� Data Entry, Incoming Phones, etc...� Well, we were worried about not having the finances to hire someone to come into the office, thinking that was our only solution.... We were wrong!

After receiving an email in reference to the ad, she introduced herself as a Virtual Assistant and quite capable of handling the tasks needed, but from her home.� Although we needed someone to also help us with the phones, she provided an alternate solution versus having to have someone actually in the office.

So after much discussion and comparison in the amount of money we would actually be saving if this situation worked out, we gave her a chance.... It has now been a total of 2 weeks and things couldn't be going any smoother!

For the data entry part, well, we had hired someone on a temporary basis before putting the ad with the expectation that she would work for us right up to her ending date, that didn't happen, she just stopped coming in and our stuff was backing up big time despite our own attempts to keep it up to date... yeah, that didn't happen.� So when our VA started, despite that we had a lot of backed up work to get caught up on, she didn't charge us anything more, in fact she agreed to work a full weekend so that we could start out fresh that coming Monday.

We sent her a packet of pdf's with client information that needed to be entered into our database, mind you this was what she referred to as 'doc to data', there were over 500 individual pdf forms with client information...� We expected her to take all weekend, not!� By 3:00 pm on Saturday, after working on them a total of approximately 4.5 hours, she was done.� After sending her the residuals of what had come in on our side, we sent to her email in the same pdf format, approximately 75 additional, within 35 minutes she was done!

So I am personally endorsing this lady, awesome awesome awesome!� Not only does she specialize in Office Support and administration for bands and bars (marketing, websites, etc...), but she has over 20 years experience with the servicing side of the Mortgage Industry (our reason for hiring her).

If you would like more info, you can send her an email at, let her know that I sent you.� By the way, I do have permission to disclose her email address.� She does have a business website but would prefer email contact to start with.

    hazlewood  30, Male, Texas, USA - First entry!
Mar 2024
5:23 AM EDT

houses for sale in katy tx

Discover the best houses for sale for in katy tx.Browse our listings and find your perfect match in this thriving real estate market

    lillysingh  27, Female, India - 4 entries
Apr 2024
7:55 AM IST

Unlocking the Versatility of Mild Steel Sheets: Advantages and Applications

Mild steel, otherwise called low carbon steel, is perhaps the most broadly involved material in different enterprises due to its remarkable properties and affordability. Mild steel sheets, specifically, offer plenty of advantages and find applications in different sectors going from construction to automotive manufacturing. We should dig further into the advantages and applications of mild steel sheets.
Advantages of Mild Steel Sheets:
Cost-Effective: Mild steel sheets are profoundly cost-effective contrasted with different materials like hardened steel or aluminum. This affordability settles on them a favored decision for enormous scope projects where cost productivity is pivotal.
Malleability: Mild steel sheets are pliant and can be effectively framed into different shapes and sizes without undermining their primary respectability. This property makes them ideal for applications where complex plans or customized shapes are required.
Weldability: Mild steel sheets display phenomenal weldability, taking into consideration simple getting together with different parts or designs utilizing different welding procedures. This trademark improves their versatility and makes them reasonable for an extensive variety of fabrication processes.
Strength and Durability: Notwithstanding being named "mild," mild steel sheets offer impressive strength and durability, making them reasonable for demanding applications. They can withstand weighty burdens and outer powers, guaranteeing long haul primary honesty in assorted conditions.
Corrosion Resistance: While not quite as corrosion-safe as tempered steel, mild steel sheets can in any case withstand moderate openness to dampness and climatic circumstances. Legitimate surface treatment or covering can improve their corrosion resistance, making them appropriate for open air applications.
Recyclability: Mild steel is profoundly recyclable, adding to natural supportability and lessening the general carbon impression of manufacturing processes. This eco-accommodating trademark lines up with the developing accentuation on supportable practices across ventures.
Applications of Mild Steel Sheets:
Construction: Mild steel sheets track down broad applications in the construction business for manufacturing underlying parts, like pillars, sections, and roofing boards. Their strength, durability, and affordability make them imperative for both private and business construction projects.
Automotive Manufacturing: Mild steel sheets are broadly utilized in the automotive sector for manufacturing different parts, including frame, body boards, and primary fortifications. Their mix of strength, formability, and cost-effectiveness makes them ideal for large scale manufacturing in the automotive business.
Machinery and Equipment: Mild steel sheets assume a significant part in the fabrication of machinery and equipment across various ventures. From manufacturing transport lines to farming machinery parts, their versatility takes care of many industrial applications.
Shipbuilding: Mild steel sheets are used in the shipbuilding business for building frames, bulkheads, and other primary elements of boats and offshore stages. Their capacity to withstand unforgiving marine conditions pursues them as a favored decision for oceanic applications.
Storage Tanks and Containers: Mild steel sheets are usually utilized in the fabrication of storage tanks, containers, and storehouses for storing different substances like liquids, gases, and granular materials. Their strength and weldability guarantee the underlying honesty of storage arrangements in industrial settings.
Furniture and Decorative Items: Mild steel sheets are likewise utilized in the manufacturing of furniture, decorative items, and architectural elements due to their tasteful appeal, formability, and ease of fabrication. From contemporary furniture plans to mind boggling metal craftsmanship, mild steel sheets offer vast opportunities for innovative articulation.
Infrastructure and Utilities: Mild steel sheets are fundamental for infrastructure improvement projects, including scaffolds, pipelines, and utility designs. Their dependability and cost-effectiveness make them crucial for building versatile infrastructure to help developing metropolitan populaces.
In conclusion, mild steel sheets are irreplaceable materials that offer an ideal mix of strength, versatility, and affordability. Their advantages, including cost-effectiveness, malleability, weldability, and durability, make them profoundly pursued in different ventures like construction, automotive manufacturing, machinery fabrication, shipbuilding, and more. From primary parts to decorative items, mild steel sheets keep on molding present day enterprises and infrastructure, driving advancement and progress across assorted sectors.

    amwajdevelopmentuae  29, Female, United Arab Emirates - First entry!
Jul 2024
7:12 AM IST

Off plan property for sale in Dubai

AMWAJ Development, a leading real estate developer in Dubai, is committed to innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. They strive for excellence and seek to improve the quality of life for both people and visitors. AMWAJ Development has over 25 years of diverse international experience, including 11 years in real estate across Europe and the Middle East. The company specializes in the construction and sale of residential and commercial projects, providing premium, family-centric living spaces in Dubai's most popular neighborhoods. For further information, go to AMWAJ Development. AMWAJ Development also provides appealing chances for�off-plan property for sale in Dubai, offering investment opportunities in some of the city's most desirable areas.


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